Pastor Chris & Kerby’s Thank You Reception: A Culinary Celebration

October 30, 6pm

Messages of Appreciation and Blessings for Pastor Chris

We are grateful for the 18 years with Pastor Chris, 13 as lead pastor and 5 as Children’s Pastor. Now is an opportunity for us to say thank you and share with her the many ways she has shown us more of who God is and impacted our lives.

Feel free to write one long post or share multiple short ones. If you have a photo with Pastor Chris or one that reminds you of her, please share. We would love to see your baptism, baby dedication, wedding, and other significant moments together. If there is a particular Scripture or quote she shared that is significant to you, please share it with us all here.

If you have a word of blessing for her in this next season of ministry, please share as well. We are grateful she is planning to stay local and remain a member of our community, so instead of goodbye, we say, thank you and blessings in this next season.

La Sierra Family,

I have news to share. I’ve made a decision to transition away from my role as your Lead Pastor at the La Sierra University Church. While a difficult decision, this has not come on overnight and I do have clarity.

I sense myself drawn towards the chaos of our housing and homeless crisis in our neighborhoods, particularly interested in the social, ethical and communal responsibilities for persons of faith, and faith communities. What does the Lord require of us? How are we accountable for wellness equity in our country?


Pandemic intensified what was already intense and the evidence is all along our streets and freeways. Our Church parking lot is a habitat of shelter from the sun by day and safety for sleep by night often.

As months and years keep moving, I’m stirred to dig deeper into the crisis surrounding our neighbors without homes. All of us have this one life with the energy, determination, curiosity and prophetic passion the Spirit gives and our bodies allow. With the gifts and energy I’ve been given, I sense the Spirit drawing me from the local parish into civic and urban ministry.

My gifts were stirred and stretched with you, La Sierra. With Bibles open these last 13 years, asking real and relevant questions, I’ve grown. What a precious assignment you gave me, to keep the Bible open, listening for the Spirit and following Jesus.

I’m not leaving Church. I’m not leaving La Sierra—where else could Kerby and I go!  We are not leaving our callings, either. Kerby will continue with the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University where he thrives teaching medical students and doing research while I shift energies.

I am not moving to another position or job right now, please absorb this part. I’m stepping away to discern. I expect this discernment to take a few months. It turns out I’m not able to be your Lead Pastor at this pace and also discern what’s next, simultaneously. Multitasking is a manufactured superpower.

I will remain in my role until November 1. La Sierra Academy is well under way and La Sierra University begins shortly. This gives us two months for our Church Board and Elder Team to shape the search process for your next Lead Pastor, alongside Southeastern California Conference administration.  

Heather Miller leads our Elder team alongside Ruth Burke and Darrin Wright and Josh Anguiano. These are the friends you may reach out to with questions about the process.

The Pastoral Team is already looking ahead for how to provide coverage during the transition. Where I have tremendous confidence is with this pastoral team. They will, however, need ministry partnership with you, especially if this process goes on longer.

I know our hearts and minds are full with the worries of this world, from storms to fires to withdrawal of war, while pandemic still crouches and our school year launches. Our hearts and minds are full. Please know that I know.

We will have a couple of months more together.

Be Well,

Chris Oberg

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La Sierra University Church
4937 Sierra Vista Ave
Riverside, CA 92505

Office Hours
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 1:00pm

La Sierra University Church

4937 Sierra Vista Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505