by Jennifer Helbley
Dear Jesus, As I write this, Christmas is a few days off still. My logic brain says that many of the things I do to prepare for and enjoy the Christmas season aren’t actually markers of your birth, that likely was at another time of year, but thank you for being...
by Pono Lopez
Dear Jesus, I am anxious. There is an old word used to describe patience: “long-suffering.” When I think of the season we’re in, anticipating your coming, part of me is excited, but another part of me is anxious. This other part feels like there is...
by Arlene Biswas
Dear Jesus, I had to wonder why. Was it not enough that I had TWO surgeries for my ONE cancer? Was it not enough that I had to go off my thyroid meds and go through radiation a year after surgery? Did I have to get COVID really, REALLY bad? Was it not enough that I...
by Wil Clarke
Dear Jesus, When you were born, the angels burst forth in glorious song: “Glory to God in the highest! “And on earth, peace, good will to men” (Luke 2:14, KJV). Or, as the Good News Translation tells it: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, “And peace on earth to...
by Lauryn Singh
Dear Jesus, As I reflect on this year, I am overwhelmed by gratitude for Your constant presence in my life. There have been moments when I’ve felt confused and uncertain about what the future holds, but You have been a constant, guiding me every step of the way. I...
by Honesto Pascual
Dear Yeshua, This Advent, I thank you for a particular friend in church. In November 2024, the pastoral staff of the La Sierra University Church chose “Table Talk” for its brief sermon series. Six days before Thanksgiving, Carmencita and I had the pleasure of chatting...