Blogging Through the Seasons

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Day 20 – Perfect

Advent 2024

Day 20 – Perfect

Dear Jesus, As I write this, Christmas is a few days off still. My logic brain says that many of the things I do to prepare for and enjoy the Christmas season aren’t actually markers of your birth, that likely was at another time of year, but thank you for being...
Day 19 – Long-suffering

Advent 2024

Day 19 – Long-suffering

Dear Jesus, I am anxious. There is an old word used to describe patience: “long-suffering.” When I think of the season we’re in, anticipating your coming, part of me is excited, but another part of me is anxious. This other part feels like there is...
Day 18 – Why?

Advent 2024

Day 18 – Why?

Dear Jesus, I had to wonder why. Was it not enough that I had TWO surgeries for my ONE cancer? Was it not enough that I had to go off my thyroid meds and go through radiation a year after surgery? Did I have to get COVID really, REALLY bad? Was it not enough that I...
Day 17 – Peace

Advent 2024

Day 17 – Peace

Dear Jesus, When you were born, the angels burst forth in glorious song: “Glory to God in the highest! “And on earth, peace, good will to men” (Luke 2:14, KJV). Or, as the Good News Translation tells it: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, “And peace on earth to...
Day 16 – Faithful

Advent 2024

Day 16 – Faithful

Dear Jesus, As I reflect on this year, I am overwhelmed by gratitude for Your constant presence in my life. There have been moments when I’ve felt confused and uncertain about what the future holds, but You have been a constant, guiding me every step of the way. I...
Day 15 – His Table

Advent 2024

Day 15 – His Table

Dear Yeshua, This Advent, I thank you for a particular friend in church. In November 2024, the pastoral staff of the La Sierra University Church chose “Table Talk” for its brief sermon series. Six days before Thanksgiving, Carmencita and I had the pleasure of chatting...