40 Days 2019

40 Days 2019

Day 7: Trust

One day Jesus and his disciples boarded a boat. He said to them, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the lake.” So they set sail. While they were sailing, he fell asleep. Gale-force winds swept down on the lake. The boat was filling up with water and...

40 Days 2019

Day 6: Holiness

A couple weeks ago, I was ruminating a bit on the concept of holiness, specifically regarding how sometimes we don’t really like to think about it—also how, many times, we’re not really sure what it means. Does holy describe something or someone that’s really, really...

40 Days 2019

Day 5: Joy Over Finding That Which Was Lost

The series of parables that deal with the lost (sheep, coin, son) in Luke 15 is introduced by way of a banquet scene, in which tax collectors and sinners are gathering around Jesus to hear him speak. This rabbi is so different; he speaks life-changing words that...

40 Days 2019

Day 3: Oddly Paired

In reading the first two chapters of Luke, I noticed a pattern of couples, duos, and opposites. Zechariah and Elizabeth are married, a couple who are righteous before the Lord and have always followed His commands. God selects them to be the parents of the prophet...

40 Days 2019

Day 2: All Ten Stay Healed

From the time we are children, we are taught to say please and thank you. These are both important phrases, each serving a unique purpose in society. At Christmastime, you are almost guaranteed that somewhere a parent is asking their momentarily forgetful child, “Did...

40 Days 2019

Day 1: Not “just” a story

It was all going so well. As he expounded on the Sabbath reading, Jesus’ hometown synagogue crowd was with him. They were pumped, actually. This is our guy—and he’s a PROPHET. Who says a prophet never came from Galilee? (Jn 7:52) Who says nothing good ever comes from...