Mar 2640 Days 2018
Jesus Cleanses the Temple, Again (Day 35)
by Vaughn Nelson
This year, having spent five weeks blogging through a book celebrating liturgies, both ordinary and formal, I hear Jesus’ impatience with fruitless religion as a cautionary note. Worship, rituals, practices—beware the fruitless kind. Beware the sort that are more akin to a consumer marketplace than a house of prayer for all people.
Later this week, we enter 4 Days with Jesus, the most meaning-packed ritual in our congregation’s liturgical rhythm. It’s a significant investment of time and energy for both planners and participants. (When else do you attend church five times in less than four days?) A question that lurks just beneath the surface is, “Does this ritual bear fruit?” Or another, “Will the ‘specialness’ wear off after eight years of repetition?”