40 Days 2023

Day 40 – More?!

40 Days 2023

Day 40 – More?!

Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Thank you so much for joining us during these 40 Days. I hope the reflections have been a blessing to you, as they have to me. If you didn’t get a book and would still like one, please let us know! This is the...
Day 39 – Precious

40 Days 2023

Day 39 – Precious

“May my hope for newness never mean breathing life into things that should pass.” While Lent is traditionally about giving up a luxury or even a necessity for 40 days, this quote prompts me to think about what I should be giving up that I shouldn’t be carrying...
Day 38 – Remember

40 Days 2023

Day 38 – Remember

“Please remember the real me when I cannot remember you.” Julie White When I think of today’s prayer, I can’t help but think of my father. Many of you may have known him or have had an encounter with him at one point in time, but prior to my father passing in 2018, he...
Day 37 – Present

40 Days 2023

Day 37 – Present

The darkness can be overwhelming. It was a regular occurrence to wake suddenly at 3 am and just lay there, praying for the desire to go back to sleep and maybe just not wake up the next morning. It wasn’t a prayer to end my life, but I desperately needed an emotional...
Day 36 – Change

40 Days 2023

Day 36 – Change

“May the work of change never overshadow or overwhelm the bright vision of who I am becoming.” These words recognize and highlight a few basic truths about life. First, that life is about change. Perhaps the only constant in this modern life is that of...
Day 35 – Transformed

40 Days 2023

Day 35 – Transformed

“May I learn to know when to fight through resistance and when to slow my pace in humility and wisdom.” This short yet powerful prayer quickly captured my attention. Always known as a quiet girl, I grinned to myself and wondered how I was also still labeled “stubborn,...