by Ben Amoah
I have always been so entertained by the story of Rahab. A local, working woman of Jericho becomes a covert operations mastermind – could be the next blockbuster film. In all seriousness, this story jumps out to me each time I read through Israel’s conquest because of...
by Barbara Djordjevic
Why Tamar? Why do we find her name in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus? She lived in a society where a woman’s standing and safety in the family and the community was dependent on her ability to produce children. Her world was controlled by men. Tamar was a “heathen”...
by James Kim
Judah said to his brothers, “What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood? Come let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.” Genesis 37:26-27 This is just the first of the...
by Emily Cortez
The author John Green says that, “the universe is not a wish-granting factory,” but I think it is only human to want it to be. How much simpler could life be if we could wish for things to go our way? Wish for that job, for a family member to get better, for life to...
by Eric Webster
I imagine Isaac wondered why his friends’ parents were so young and his own mother and father seemed so very old. Abraham would have told the story of how God had promised them a son who would be the father of many nations. Many years passed by and nothing seemed to...
by Raewyn Orlich
Welcome to Advent. In this season, we remember what it’s like to wait for the Christ Child to be born, to anticipate the coming of the Light of the World in the midst of the longest, deepest darkness. This year, we will spend our waiting time getting to know some of...