Blogging Through the Seasons

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Day 4 – Africa

40 Days 2025

Day 4 – Africa

When we were in college, Sylvia and I committed our lives to being missionaries in Africa. We started our work in 1967. Twelve years later, at the end of 1978, things fell apart. We were not making it financially. The world was in a double-digit inflation spiral, and...
Day 3 – One Day at a Time

40 Days 2025

Day 3 – One Day at a Time

During the pandemic, I was having a really tough time emotionally. I was feeling really lonely and kind of hopeless at times. One day, when I was feeling especially down, I suddenly had the idea that I should pray and read the Bible. I did, and I felt so much better....
Day 2 – A Little Further

40 Days 2025

Day 2 – A Little Further

“I just can’t do this! But maybe I’ll go a little further next to my friends.” A few months ago, some church friends, along with my wife and I, made an emotionally impulsive decision to sign up for the LA Marathon. We were so young and naïve back then (all ten months...
Day 1 – Stitches

40 Days 2025

Day 1 – Stitches

As a child I had a doll named Sam that was awfully cute and much beloved. He had a plastic nose that was way too big for his head, little plastic hands and feet with easy-to-grab fingers and toes, and a gigantic smile. His soft cloth body said, “Have a nice day.” One...
Day 24 – Help. Thanks. Wow

Advent 2024

Day 24 – Help. Thanks. Wow

Dear Jesus… or God… or Divine, To be honest, I’m really not sure how prayer works anymore. I’m not sure I believe in a system where I ask for something and, in response, the Divine either a) grants my wish, b) deems it necessary for me to wait [enter some...
Day 23 – Advent

Advent 2024

Day 23 – Advent

Dear Jesus, Thank you for Advent. To take time to think about Advent, “the coming of God,” in this moment is difficult. There are so many distractions. There is so much noise. In a time of year where “Peace on Earth” should be something we aspire to, I’ve...