Advent 2023

Day 15 – Distant No Longer

Growing up, my perception was that God is distant. God was not involved in my day-to-day affairs. God was simply the God who lived up in heaven and looked down on humanity to record our good deeds and wrongdoings. With this view in mind, a big portion of my day was spent doing what I understood to be “right deeds” to appease God. I often read big portions of the Bible in the morning and made sure I went to a weekly mass, accompanied by the Holy Eucharist.

From a very young age, Christmas, to me, had nothing to do with God. Christmas was about styling my hair, applying nail polish, getting new pajamas, and a new outfit for outings with friends.

Fast forward to the time when I went to high school. I attended the only Adventist boarding academy in Egypt. During my first year, I went through a dark, inexplicable time. I found myself crying most of the day and had no pleasure in enrolling at the school. This was shocking to the principal who was well aware of my excellent academic record. After running out of solutions, I decided to leave the school and just go back home to my parents’ house. Surprisingly, even that thought did not bring me comfort. I could imagine myself being at home but still in despair.

It was at that difficult time that one of the US student missionaries who happened to stay in my dorm room noticed my tears. After hearing my turmoil, she asked me a rather surprising question. “Have you prayed about this matter?”

“Pray? What could prayer do? After all, God is so far and has no time for these silly matters,” I thought as I answered and said, “No.” She then opened the Bible and read John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” She had me read the same words in my own broken English. “Peace! Could God give me peace?” I asked as we closed our eyes to pray. “God, I need peace and I cannot find it anywhere. Can you please give me peace?” I prayed.

And it was at this very moment that I experienced an amazing sense of peace that I knew was supernatural. It felt as if the distant God descended from heaven to be with me and touch my broken heart. And it was right then that I knew I had found a treasure, infinite love, and a lifelong companion who would walk with me every day of my life.

A few months later, it was the Christmas season. And yes, while I enjoyed all the superficial pleasures, my focus had shifted. Christmas was less about my new hairstyle and going out with friends. It revolved around the God who refused to be distant. Christmas was about the God who chose to be approachable. The God who took on human form to relate to me, understand me, walk with me, and heal my brokenness.

So what is Christmas to me? Christmas is about the God who stepped down. Christmas is about the God who “made himself nothing…being made in human likeness” (Phil. 2:7). Christmas is about the God who came to save. It is about Emmanuel, God with us. Christmas is about the God who would rather die than live eternity without us. It is about the God of unconditional, amazing, wondrous love for all humanity. Christmas is about the God, Jesus!

Germeen Fargo is the wife of Bassam and the mother of four beautiful girls. She holds a master’s degree in Ethical Leadership from Claremont Lincoln University and a master’s in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University. Currently, she stays at home, dedicating her time to raising her children and homeschooling her two older ones.