Justice Resources

Justice. The word means something to most of us, and likely something a little different to many of us. What if we add an adjective, to modify our definition of justice? Biblical justice. For a few weeks, we are thinking in our worship time about the core of all justice, a God who is just. The Psalmist says it like this in Psalm 89:14, Your throne is built on righteousness and justice; loyal love and faithfulness stand in front of you.


Justice Resources

Justice. The word means something to most of us, and likely something a little different to many of us. What if we add an adjective, to modify our definition of justice? Biblical justice. For a few weeks, we are thinking in our worship time about the core of all justice, a God who is just. The Psalmist says it like this in Psalm 89:14, Your throne is built on righteousness and justice; loyal love and faithfulness stand in front of you.

Below is a list of possible resources to help you dig deeper as we think and talk about justice together.

Do Justice: Our Call to Faithful Living

Do Justice: Our Call to Faithful Living

(First 100 copies free, starting May 11)

A collection of essays by Seventh-day Adventist Christians on how to live lives of justice and mercy. Signs Publishing in collaboration with ADRA.

Generous Justice

Generous Justice

by Timothy Keller

An introduction to biblical justice from the Old and New Testaments. With a small group study guide available. Timothy Keller is a Presbyterian pastor in New York City.

The Very Good Gospel

The Very Good Gospel

by Lisa Sharon Harper

Christians ought to recover the largeness of the Gospel and God’s intent to bring shalom to all creation, beginning with the book of Genesis. Lisa Sharon Harper is Church Engagement officer with the non-profit, Sojourners.

Deepening the Soul for Justice

Deepening the Soul for Justice

by Bethany Huang

Faithful lives of justice are formed and shaped by seeking God, in small acts like prayer and honoring Sabbath time.

The Dangerous Act of Worship

The Dangerous Act of Worship

by Mark Labberton

One pastor’s claim that lives of justice are a consequence of our worship together.

Justice in the Burbs

Justice in the Burbs

by Will and Lisa Samson

A young couple is surrounded by nice homes and cars in neighbor- hoods that seem to be beyond the need of working for justice. And then, they take time to notice their own cul-de-sacs and sidewalks.

Everyday Justice

Everyday Justice

by Julie Clawson

If you wonder how ordinary choices we make every day, from food we eat to clothes we purchase to debt we allow, might be connected to matters of just living, pick up this read. Clawson, a pastor, and author, helps navigate the complexity of our choices.

Why We Can’t Wait

Why We Can’t Wait

by Martin Luther King Jr.

The setting of this book is 1963 and King’s, Letter From a Birmingham Jail. Later that year King developed this book to help us understand how the non-violent revolution came to be and why America must know its history.

The Prophetic Imagination

The Prophetic Imagination

by Walter Brueggemann

A more dedicated read, biblical scholar Brueggemann presents visions from Hebrew prophets and poets in scripture, reminding us what just social order ought to look like. Great book to stimu- late conversation and deeper reading with friends. If you’ve never read Brueggemann, this may be a good first.

The Peacemaking Remnant

The Peacemaking Remnant

by Adventist Peace Fellowship

Selected Seventh-day Adventist Christian authors reflect on Adventist priorities for making peace, including our past priorities as as denomination. Some interesting historical documents included.

For Small Children

All Are Welcome

All Are Welcome

by Alexandra Penfold

A group of children make their way through a school day, living alongside all their differences and making space for one another.

The Skin I'm In

The Skin I'm In

by Pat Thomas

Children learn to think about how we all come from different places and backgrounds and stories.

For Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers

Piecing Me Together

Piecing Me Together

by Renee Watson

A story centered in the relationship between two girls, one black and one white, and the journey to see life through the eyes of each other.

Everybody Always

Everybody Always

by Bob Goff

This author is a fantastic storyteller, who happens to be a lawyer and founded the non-profit, Love Does, a group that serves students around the world. In his collection of experiences, Bob shows us it is possible to love every person we meet, especially since we do not know their personal battles.

Tangible: Making God Known ThroughDeeds of Mercy and Words of Truth

Tangible: Making God Known ThroughDeeds of Mercy and Words of Truth

by Chris Sicks

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4937 Sierra Vista Ave
Riverside, CA 92505

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Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 1:00pm

La Sierra University Church

4937 Sierra Vista Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505