Saturday, 9:00am
The liturgical service is a future-oriented Seventh-day Adventist expression of the ancient tradition of historic Christian worship. Its focus is Scripture, thoughtfully heard and prayerfully received. Its style is participatory, involving the congregation throughout the service. Its spirit is contemplative, including structured periods of silence for reflection and prayer.
Liturgical Service
For this simple service of reading and reflection, the Scripture readings for each Sabbath are selected according to the Revised Common Lectionary, a widely used schedule of texts for Christian worship. Each year we recognize the traditional Christian seasons, reflecting the life and mission of Jesus: his birth as the incarnation of God, his suffering and death as the supreme revelation of the character of God, and his resurrection as the confirmation of his identity as God’s unique son.
In our service, we sit on the left side of the main floor of the church and read responsively from a printed liturgy (the congregation reads the bold type). Several readers and a cantor lead out in the service.
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4937 Sierra Vista Ave
Riverside, CA 92505