Saturday Bible Study
Bible Study Classes – 10 AM
Following the Adult Sabbath School Guide*:
Destination – Join with Zoom or in person
Fritz Guy & Friends – Email Gary Huffaker (
* Note: The Adult Bible Study Guide is a quarterly publication of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church; a free copy is available with a greeter in the main lobby of the church OR online.
Following a Variety of Topics:
Journey – Join with Zoom – or in the Ministry Center
(Signup to Journey’s Flocknote for Weekly Updates)
Kinship – An Affirming Space for LGBT+ and Allies – Join with Zoom
Facebook Campus
The La Sierra Church Facebook Campus is a place to participate 24/7, extending our conversation throughout the week, exploring faith, and sharing challenges and celebrations in a supportive community.
During the COVID19 pandemic, we learned that we can be church together in very real ways, without being geographically close. We’re united by shared commitments and values, plus showing up together in virtual space. Some have even said they’ve gotten to know people better through intentional online gatherings than from years of attending worship in person.
In the online space it is our desire for you to find a group of people you can journey with in faith. A group that will grow and challenge you, and lead you to be a healer in your community, whatever your zip-code, as following Jesus becomes real in your life. We call this discipleship. God’s grace, from start to finish, at work in our lives.
Keep in Touch
We use flocknote to send you updates from the La Sierra Church community. Unsubscribe anytime. No spam, we promise.
La Sierra University Church
4937 Sierra Vista Ave
Riverside, CA 92505
Office Hours
Tuesday-Friday: 10:00am - 2:00pm