40 Days 2024

Day 35 – The Dawn

I am a slow listener. If I really want to learn something, I tend to read and write it rather than listen to it. It isn’t that I don’t like auditory information and music; I just process it slowly.

Several years ago, one of the passages used in a liturgy was from Luke 1:68-79. Various bits and bobs of the passage have made their way into my memory from reading it aloud and hearing others read it. In particular, “Because of the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to shine upon those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

The rhythm of Easter falls in line with the end of winter quarter at the university and this phrase often sees me through the end of winter quarter. In Chemistry & Biochemistry, the winter quarter is often our busiest of all the quarters with various two-quarter classes ending and other two-quarter classes starting, as well as the full-year sequence classes going. Then piled on are various other tasks, like bulletin edits and, frequently, remembering to leave the house with a raincoat.

This winter quarter has had its fair share of things on the to-do list, including having to get to school by 7 am on Fridays. But I have been gently reminded throughout that “the dawn from on high will break upon us.” It will come when I feel that I cannot possibly catch up with my to-do list and remind me that others will help when I ask. It has reminded me that I shouldn’t hunch into my sorrow when something doesn’t go how I expect it to; I need to look up for the dawn. It reminds me that the source of true gifts is always God.

I have started being more intentional about saying something specific that I am grateful for each day and this has caused my gaze to drift up more than down. One of the things that I have been reminded of from this practice is that the way of peace is within grasp. By being grateful for my family and friends, specifically and intentionally, I have found that my path is more peaceful. While this hasn’t been perfect, it has been transformative.

A whole collection of colleagues was there to support me during some meetings this quarter. As a family we find ways to celebrate the rainbows that show up in the rain. Friends who will listen and share carefully. Joy in playing board games. Specific and intentional ways to capture the light from above.

Let us all find ways to be part of the “dawn from on high” that will “shine upon those who sit in darkness,” while acknowledging that sometimes we are in the dark.

Jennifer Helbley rejoices in having great friends and family that support and build a better community.